Hedgehogs and Moles News

W/B 18th November 2024
Year 2 have had a lovely week and particularly enjoyed welcoming their adults into the classroom for Book and Biscuit on Friday.
W/B 11th November 2024
This week in Maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape names. The children have been busy counting the sides and vertices on shapes. They have enjoyed using playdoh to make the shapes, drawing round them on the table and making the shapes with their bodies.

W/B 4th November 2024
This week in Year 2 we have started our new English unit which is based around the BBC Christmas Advert from 2017. The children have been thinking about the way in which Jasmine leaves school and came up with lots of positive verbs- twirling, swirling, prancing and dancing. The children might like to show you the advert at home- watch it here- BBC One Christmas 2017 | The Supporting Act
In Year 2, we start to move away from Phonics and start looking at tricky spelling rules. This week our rule has been the 'or' sound spelt with an 'a' followed by 'l or ll' for example, ball, call, small. The children have new spelling books to come home with to practise their spellings with you.
In History, we will be looking at the History of transport. This week, we look at lots of modes of transport nd decided if they were from the past or present.

W/B 21st October 2024
This week, the children have worked so hard to write a set of instructions on 'How to make a Bug Hotel'. A huge thank you to the children who took the time to make their own bug hotel at home- they looked fantastic and really supported the children when they came to write. We took a trip to the forest school this week to place the bug hotels and the children used their learning from science to place them in dark, damp areas (just what the minibeasts like). The children then had fun, hunting for minibeasts and placing them in their hotels for the night.
W/B 14th October 2024
Year 2 have been using all the skills we have learnt in Art over the half term to make final piece of Art. We used wax crayons to draw pictures of natural things we had collected outside (pinecones, leaves, sticks) and then brought them to life by painting over the crayon in watercolours.​

W/B 7th October 2024
IIn computing, the children have been thinking about what they would like their avatar to do for them- a bit like their own personal robot. For example- brushing their teeth, tidying their bedroom. They have been busy designing their avatar and will soon be writing an algorithm for it to follow. We thought the children's designs were really creative.

W/B 30th September 2024
In English we have started our non-fiction unit which looks at writing instructions. The children have been brilliant at telling us when they have used instructions, for example, making cakes, playing a game and hearing and following directions on a sat nav in the car.
The children then made bird feeders in pairs, which we have placed in our forest school to feed and encourage birds to the area through the winter. The children will now create a heading, write a rhetorical question to get the reader thinking, write a list of ingredients and step by step instructions.

W/B 23rd September 2024
We have continued our Art unit and explored the world around us to make Art from items we see all the time. Children used items they had collected from the forest school to create their Artwork.
In Maths we have been counting in 2s, 3s and 5s. We have been using a variety of objects to support our counting.

W/B 16th September 2024
We have been looking at Living Things and their Habitats in Science. We went to the forest school to explore and find things that fit into 3 categories - Living, Once Alive and Never Been Alive. The children enjoyed this activity and had lots of ideas!
W/B 9th September 2024
This week in Hedgehogs and Moles we have been talking about Place Value in Maths. We have been discussing how 2-digit numbers are made up of 10s and 1s. We have used a variety of resources to explore making groups of 10. We have placed 2-digit numbers on a place value chart using dienes. We have split 2-digit numbers into part-whole models. We had lots of fun on the playground taking it in turns to be the 10s and the 1s.
In phonics this week we have revisited the special friends ea, oi and a-e.