Otters and Seals News

W/B 11th November 2024
This week we have been very busy learning all about Pre-Historic Britain! Did you know that History is defined as when people could write, pre-history is before people could write - this makes it a lot harder to learn about! There were no diaries or newspaper articles for us to study. Instead we have been looking at artefacts, Eco facts and features to find out what Britain looked like in the prehistoric period. It was very different and we discovered there were dinosaurs, Neanderthals, ice ages and the birth of the first homo-sapien! We even discovered that the United Kingdom used to be attached to the continent of Europe but we broke away! We have definitely felt our brains getting bigger with all of this new information!

W/B 4th November 2024
This week we have started our journey to become gymnasts! We have loved learning about different stretches and how they help keep our muscles healthy. Some of them are really hard and we have been learning about how different movements and stretches use different muscles and so it is important to do a variety of stretches to keep all the muscles in our body as healthy as can be! We have learnt all about the star stretch, straddle, pike and the dish - I wonder how many we can show you!

W/B 7th October 2024
This week we have been learning about Sanatana Dharma in RE. Did you know this is the proper name for Hinduism? They believe in a god called Brahman and he is everywhere all the time - even though you can't see him! A lot of Sanatani's live in India, which is good because their sacred pilgrimage is to the River Ganges which runs through India. Varanasi is a city on the river; because it is so close to the sacred river lots of people visit there each year for religious reasons. Up to 40 million can gather - the largest gathering of people on Earth! . We can't wait to learn more about this interesting religion.

W/B 30th September 2024
This week we have been working so hard looking at ordinance survey maps! Did you know these maps show you areas of high ground, seas, rivers, lakes, roads, car parks, shops, forests and so much more. We learnt all about the uses of OS maps as well as the different symbols - we really enjoyed this and could see how different they were from the political and physical maps we have been using in previous lessons. The OS map let us put all of our new knowledge of human and physical geography to good use as we decoded this new type of map and thought about what we could see in our local area.
W/B 23rd September 2024
This week we have been authors! Since coming back from our summer holidays we have been looking at a twisted tale. 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' tells the tale from the wolf's point of view. We have written our own story 'The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood'. Our wolves are not big or bad! All they wanted to do was bake a cake for their Grandma! The Year 3 team are so proud of everyone for creating such wonderful pieces of writing for their first write.

W/B 16th September 2024
​​This week in Science we have been looking at the skeleton - did you know we ALL have one? Although we can't see them they are incredibly important to our survival and incredibly complex. There are 206 bones in the human body: I bet you can't name them all! We decided to turn our friends into skeletons and labelled them with everything we knew! ​​
W/B 9th September 2024
This week Year Three have been very busy in Guided Reading. We have been exploring Roald Dahl's 'The Twits'. We have enjoyed looking at the pranks Mr and Mrs Twit play on each other and found the scene where Mr Twit eats worms very hilarious - in a very disgusting way! Through the week we have specifically been looking at Mrs Twit and have been practicing being 'Reading Detectives' to find out everything we can about her. We decided she was not the sort of person we want to be when we grow up as she didn't seem very kind! We have loved our learning this week and can't wait to see what we will explore next week.