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Kingfishers News


W/B 25th November 2024 

Kingfishers have been learning that everything in the world can exist in one of three states: as a solid, as a liquid, or as a gas. They have been comparing and grouping materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They have worked together in small groups to carry out several investigations and make predictions.

W/B 11th November 2024 

This week Kingfishers have begun looking at ancient civilisations, and in particular Ancient Maya. The Maya civilisation flourished from 250 to 800. It declined after that, but descendants of the Maya live in Central America today. Throughout the unit, the children will gain an understanding of life for the Ancient Maya and compare this with that of the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Egyptians. 

Ancient Maya.jpeg

W/B 4th November 2024 

Kingfishers have been looking at measurement in maths. The pupils have been focusing on finding the area of shapes. We have also been looking at maths in context and why we might need to find area in real life, for example, the pupils have discussed that finding the area of a room is important to know when buying a new carpet. 

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W/B 21st October 2024 

This week Kingfishers have been busy completing the geography unit about South America and have been using this knowledge to write a holiday brochure about Rio de Janeiro. 


The children have nearly completed their artwork which was inspired by our author visit - Neil Cameron. The children have used art to tell a story. They have used a comic style approach to achieve this. 


I maths, the children have been adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers, including calculations involving one or more exchanges.

W/B 14th October 2024 

This week Kingfishers have started looking at addition and subtraction in maths, as well as continuing work on their timetables and division facts. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


In geography, the children have been focusing on Rio de Janeiro (one of the largest cities in Brazil) and at some of its population that live in favelas (makeshift settlements).​ They have transferred and extended their knowledge of Rio de Janeiro through further research carried out in English. The children are using this to support them plan and write a holiday brochure about a place in Brazil. 

In science, we have continued looking at electricity and making simple circuits. This week the children investigated adding a switch.


W/B 7th October 2024 

Last Thursday, Kingfishers had a fun-filled time at their first ever ‘Camp Out’ at school. The children enjoyed participating in several team games and activities before settling down for the night in their tents. In the morning, the children enjoyed a bacon roll and fruit juice before heading back to class.


This week more children have gained a ‘Rock Status’ on TTRS and have continued to engage in reading. As a class, the children have read a combined word count of 158,915 words. Well done Kingfishers – keep it up and keep reading!!










The children have been enjoying writing sections for our class holiday brochure about Sicily. They have been using some fantastic language to engage and persuade the reader. I think my next holiday will be to Sicily!!


In maths, the children have now completed the place value unit and will use this knowledge to support the next unit – Addition and Subtraction.


In science, the children investigated insulators and conductors of electricity.


In geography, the children have been learning about the Kayapo.  The Kayapo are indigenous people who live in the Amazon rainforest. They clear small patches of rainforest for agriculture but are also hunter-gatherers.


W/B 30th September 2024 

Last Friday, year 3 and 4 attended a cross country event at Pilton Community College. The children in Kingfishers embraced to cold and demonstrated fantastic learning powers, such as, perseverance and giving things a go even if they appear to be challenging.


This week, Kingfishers have been comparing and ordering numbers to 10,000 and starting looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10.


The children have finished publishing their independent writing. The children have created their own story based on the book ‘Bike Boy’ by Jane Considine and include titles such as, Jetpack Jarvis, Hoverboard Holly and Roller Girl. Their writing will be shared and some pieces will be displayed around school.

We are currently starting a non-fiction piece of work which involves the children writing a holiday brochure. The final outcome will link to our current geography unit - South America.


W/B 23rd September 2024 
This week Kingfishers had an inspiring visit from the writer and illustrator Neill Cameron. During the session, Neill shared his passion for drawing and telling a story through pictures. The children loved creating characters for their own comic and are looking forward to developing them more in art.


W/B 16th September 2024

Kingfishers have enjoyed learning about electricity this week and the children were challenged to light up a bulb. They were all successful and a great sense of achievement was felt by all. The children had fun during their cricket session again this week. During the session, they focused on their bowling skills








W/B 9th September 2024

"In Year Four, we have been learning about electricity in Science, we have been learning about items that run on batteries and items that run on electricity. 
In maths, we have been representing numbers to 1000 and putting them onto a number line. We have also been practising our 3 times table and will shortly be bringing home log ins for TTRS so we can compete in class and school competitions." Freddie, Jarvis, Isabelle and Evelyn


Representing Numbers to 1000 - Year 3 (4).JPG

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By telephone: 01271 445111


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© 2019 by Roundswell Community Primary Academy

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