Butterflies and Dragonflies News

W/B 24th February 2025
Starting off our new topic on 'Woodlands' the children worked together to make a wormery and a scarecrow. They loved watching the worms wriggle and move the layers of sand and soil!

W/B 10th February 2025
The children in Reception have been learning about length and height this week in Maths. They have had lots of fun comparing their own height within the class and creating different structures to discuss the difference. The children have grouped different resources from around the environment by length and height, while using Maths language such as 'taller and shorter'. They have enjoyed playing games using wellies and beanbags to understand the meaning of 'furthest and shortest' in distance too. The children also loved the story of 'Superworm' and then found it funny to make different length worms out of playdough.

W/B 3rd February 2025
This week the children have been working hard on developing their collage houses, adding features and then adding them together to create a street. They made their own string roller and printed on a large piece of card for the background too! We hope this work, when completed, will be displayed int he School's Exhibition at the Burton Art gallery later in the Spring.

W/B 27th January 2025
In English the children have been reading the well-known 'We're going on a bear hunt' book, discussing and using some fantastic descriptive language, explaining emotions the family would have felt at different times and have been exploring textures from their adventurous walk. The children have also been creating some beautiful collages in art, learning different techniques to create texture to their pictures, adding colours and layers to their pieces. They have produced some colourful streets and doorways, which are displayed in the classrooms.
W/B 13th January 2025
After writing a thank you letter to our parents, we all enjoyed walking to the post box this week. We walked sensibly and talked about the different landmarks we saw along the way. It was so exciting to post a real letter in a real post box!

W/B 7th January 2025
This week we have started to talk about our new topic 'Our local area.' During the holidays we asked the children to draw or paint a picture of their house and the children have enjoyed sharing them and talking about their houses with their friends.
In our English lessons we have been writing a letter to send home. Next week we are going for a walk to post them in a real post box!

W/B 9th December 2024
We are so proud of all the Reception children for singing so beautifully in their performance of 'A little bird told me'. We hope you enjoyed watching it.
​In our English lessons we have been sharing the story of 'How to Catch a Star.' The children have enjoyed writing about a time when they were happy and writing about things that are hot and cold. They have been practising to draw different types of stars and have made some using different craft materials.

W/B 2nd December 2024
This week in Reception we continued to learn about four sided shapes and then combined them with other shapes to make house pictures. The children explained the reasons behind their choices and produced some lovely artwork. They have also showed their fantastic creations in our Art lessons this week by trying extremely hard to use the 'continual drawing technique'. This means drawing a picture without taking their pen off the paper. We are extremely proud of them, as you would agree their artwork is amazing!
W/B 25th November 2024
In Reception this week we have been learning about four sided shapes. We have looked for them in our everyday life and made them using different objects. We have identified rectangles and squares and counted the number of sides and corners and even had a go at drawing them in the style of the artists Mondrian and Kandkinsky
W/B 18th November 2024
We have introduced our Transport topic to the children this week. We worked together as classes to create a spider diagram to show our knowledge of different types of transport.

W/B 11th November 2024
This week the Butterflies and Dragonflies have been finding out about poppies. They have painted them using different techniques and watched the CBeebies animation for their learning in English. This has helped them to understand why poppies are so important in Remembrance Day.

W/B 4th November 2024
Reception were lucky to have a visit from 'Little City' this week and the children absolutely loved it! It was lovely watching their imagination unfold, laughter filling the hall and huge smiles across their faces. They have also been learning about Remembrance Day and created some wonderful pieces of art.

W/B 21st October 2024
As part of our English work this week we have been writing group poems about fireworks. We have been impressed with the language choices the children have used to describe the fireworks. We have also been completing mixed media firework paintings which look wonderful and talking about being safe around fireworks!
W/B 14th October 2024
This week the reception children absolutely looked cooking scrambled egg as part of their English learning. We have been concentrating on the story 'The Little Red Hen' and have been learning about the life cycle of a hen. When cooking the children took turns to add, crack and mix the eggs, watching carefully as the egg started to change. There were some great 'Granny Fantastic' words were being used, such as 'steaming, bubbling, boiling, crusty, delicious, set, and cooling'.

W/B 7th October 2024
In our English work this week we have been learning the story of 'The Little Red Hen'. We have been drawing pictures of the farm animals and adding a label using our increasing phonic knowledge. We are so proud of the improvement in the children's writing!

W/B 30th September 2024
Reception have had a really fun active week making lots of different things relating to patterns which is linked to their learning in Maths. The children loved making their own fruit Kebabs and natural crowns incorporating repeating patterns.

W/B 23rd September 2024
This week we have been enjoying our outdoor kitchen. The children worked with the staff to update the area, moving furniture and organising and labelling containers to keep the different natural materials. As you can see, the children have really been enjoying making potions, stews and soup using conkers, pinecones, leaves and pebbles!
W/B 16th September 2024
In Reception this week the children have been focusing on the topic 'All about me'. In Art we used natural resources that the children collected from the Forest school and used salt dough to create themselves. We all discussed the similarities and differences between us and what features we had. The children absolutely loved it and created some beautiful pieces of art, even adding hairclips and eyelashes!
W/B 9th September 2024
This week during our outdoor learning session we were looking for objects that were the same. This linked with our Maths learning too. We described them to our friends and explained how they were the same e.g. the same size, colour, pattern, shape etc
