Effective delivery of an exciting, internationally-minded Curriculum which offers inciting learning ‘hooks’ is essential to all Teaching for Learning throughout Roundswell Community Primary Academy. The topic-based learning of the Academy’s curriculum drives the core subject learning, and is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This focus allows teachers to be internationally-minded and progressive in their planning and teaching. Both the written curriculum and the ‘hidden curriculum’ (what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave) is integral to a pupil’s life at RCPA, where we aim to provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum with access and enjoyment for all.
In order to promote personal growth and development, our curriculum is made up of the planned learning (skills, knowledge and understanding) opportunities, which include a stimulating learning environment and learning how to learn. Integral to the Academy’s curriculum is the child’s response to the curriculum, which is reflected in child initiated and peer to peer learning. The curriculum includes not only the formal requirements of the Academy’s Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities and experiences, including home-school learning, which will provide enrichment. It also includes the Academy’s ethos: what the children learn from the relationships both within the school community, the local area and the wider world.
Overview of the Academy’s Curriculum
The core areas of learning at RCPA are mathematics, literacy, science and technology (including IT and Computing), and physical health and well-being. These are supplemented by the foundation areas of learning of primary languages, humanities, the creative arts and faith and belief. Creativity, IT, literacy skills, oracy and global learning run through all areas of learning and are encompass the planned curriculum.
The following diagram details the way in which we strive to present the curriculum as a whole to the learners of RCPA:

Creativity and Learning
Creativity is a key part of the Academy’s curriculum. We emphasise that encouraging creativity in pupils’ learning is about two equally important factors:
creative teaching which will inspire, engage and motivate pupils,
developing creativity within the child.
The strand is broken down into three parts:
the skills of learning which should be taught
the attributes of children which should be nurtured
the learning environment which should be provided
The Academy has a large outdoor area, with Wi-Fi enabled, which can be used for a variety of aspects of Teaching and Learning. The learning environment is planned for both indoors and outdoors to encourage a positive attitude to learning that is not exclusive to a classroom setting, and provides different approaches and tasks to be adapted to different learning styles. This outdoor area enables pupils to take part in activities such as, but not exclusively, Science and Topic work in an authentic, natural environment.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years education is the foundation upon which young children build the rest of their schooling. It is a holistic education that encompasses all learning and development. In the EYFS setting at RCPA we believe that all children are entitled to the best possible start in their school life, both intellectually and emotionally, in order to enable them to develop their full potential.
We aim to support each child’s welfare, learning and developmental needs by:
Recognising that all children are unique and special.
Understanding that children develop in individual ways and at varying rates - physically, cognitively, linguistically, socially and emotionally.
Providing a safe, secure and caring environment where children feel happy and know that they are valued by the practitioners looking after them.
Fostering and nurturing children’s self-confidence and self-esteem through their developing awareness of their own identity and role within the community.
Teaching them to express and communicate their needs and feelings in appropriate ways.
Encouraging children’s independence and decision-making, supporting them to learn through their mistakes.
Developing children’s understanding of social skills and the values and codes of behaviour required for people to work together harmoniously.
Supporting children to develop care, respect and appreciation for others, including those with beliefs, cultures and opinions differently to their own.
Understanding the importance of play in children’s learning and development.
Providing learning experiences in play which reflect children’s personal interests and areas of curiosity in order to encourage and develop their natural desire, interest, excitement and motivation to learn.
Providing experiences which build on children’s existing knowledge and understanding in order to challenge, stimulate and extend their learning and development.
Providing effective learning opportunities in a range of environments, inside and outside.
Providing opportunities and experiences for children to become responsible and active members of the school community.
Years 1-6
We encourage an active learning orientation for all pupils through the following:
Belief that effort leads to success
Helping children to use their creative skills
Enabling children to be confident in making mistakes and taking risks
Allowing children to have involvement at times in the direction of their learning
Equipping children with the belief in their ability to improve and learn
Preference for providing challenging tasks – the learning struggle
Encouraging personal satisfaction from success at difficult tasks
Providing opportunities for children to use problem solving and self-instruction when engaged in tasks
Ensuring children have concern for improving their own competence
Developing children’s skills of self-discipline
Staff engagement for themselves in all of the above.