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Sustainability at RCPA

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At RCPA we value our environment and want to teach the children how to look after our world. Miss Galliford is our Environmental and Sustainability Lead. We have a 'green team' who are responsible for collecting our classroom recycling, including food waste, each week. They have also taken part in litter picks and have promoted local beach cleans. They also promote saving energy e.g. turning off taps, turning off the lights and interactive whiteboards when the room is not being used. The green team have also planted bulbs and trees in our outdoor learning area and often share their knowledge of the benefits of gardening.

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Our Green Team

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Our green team are a group of passionate pupils who want to make our school a cleaner and greener place. 

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Plastic Free Week

We worked together to have a 'plastic free week.' In each classroom, we collected single use plastics and looked at how much was collected in one week! 

Miss Galliford led an assembly all about Plastic Free week.

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How can you help at home?


Look at the recycling you have at home. Which do you have more of? Could these be reused in a different way?


Could you arrange a litter pick with friends? Some of our pupils joined in a local beach clean.

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If you have any further questions about Roundswell Community Primary Academy, please feel free to contact us:

By email:

By telephone: 01271 445111


Paper copies of the information on this website can be requested by contacting the school.


© 2019 by Roundswell Community Primary Academy

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